Wednesday, August 10, 2011

10 Months Old

Aaron at 10 Months old is so much fun! He desperately wants to be mobile. He's just barely starting to army crawl. He's the size of a 2 year old, so we know that it must be hard for him to get going. He can pull himself up to half-way sitting to almost standing. When you say "yay" he waves his hands, claps and squeals. Aaron is still doing great with his schedule. He eats 4 times a day and takes 2 naps. He is a great eater and a great sleeper! He is changing everyday and growing so fast...where does the time go...

Jarrett's Dad (Grandpa Carl), stepmom (Grandma Diane) and baby brother (Uncle Daniel) came for a visit in early May. It was a fast weekend trip, but we were so glad to see them.

Uncle Daniel sure is cute! We are so excited for these boys to grow up together on the farm!  

A pic of the Schmidt Men :) So cute!
Love this boy so much!!

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