Tuesday, April 5, 2011

3 Months Old

This was a tough month for our little family! Well, really just for Mom :) I ended up having complications from breast feeding and had to have surgery in mid-September. This made taking care of Aaron pretty challenging and I needed help from Grammy Colburn almost everyday. I am so thankful for her. 
We made it through and Aaron started to really become more alert during this month. He began to smile and was not sleeping as much during the day!

Aaron starting to smile :)

Football is huge in our family! Here's Aaron watching a game with Dad!

This is us at Aaron's first high school football game! We got to sit in the press box! It was so cozy and Aaron got a little tired :)

We also had our first full night away from Aaron. Grammy and Grandpa kept Aaron overnight on Oct.9, 2010. For our date night we went to see the movie "Life As We Know It"...this was a mistake. The movie is about a baby that is orphaned and ends up in the care of her God-parents. It's a sweet and cute movie...but I was a wreck! I insisted that we write our will that night. Needless to say, we stopped by my parent's house to check on Aaron after the movie :)

Aaron still loves to sleep and sleeps through the night almost every night!

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